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Specializing in textile design and baby clothing


Hi, I'm Ashley.  I have a background in Advertising and Marketing Research and a love of organics.  In 2010, I was finally able to put all of my ideas to use and Ashleybug began!  In my research, I found that cute organic fabrics are hard to come by and are usually only found in high-end boutiques.  After months of working with my wonderful beta testing babies, I was able to design items that are functional and adorable (not to mention AFFORDABLE!).  They withstand the rigors of everyday use and lots of washings.  

From designing our own custom fabric to sewing all of our products, we take care to provide a quality product for you to share with the ones that you love.

One of the main goals of Ashleybug is to help make organics more accessible.  Buying organics is one way everyone can do their part!  

Organic isn't just for food!

Considered one of the most chemically dependent crops in the world, conventional cotton uses 10 percent of all agricultural chemicals and 25 percent of the world’s insecticides.  In the U.S., one-third of a pound of chemicals are needed just to grow enough conventional cotton for a regular T-shirt.

It has been estimated that less than ¼ of the pesticides sprayed on cotton fields actually reach the plants. The remaining ¾ are carried by the wind to other crops, forests, soils, waterways, and all forms of wildlife in our ecosystems.

Organic Cotton is grown without using any chemical fertilizers or pesticides, on land that has been treated and given sufficient time (at least three years) for removal of all the toxic residues of chemical fertilizers and pesticides used earlier on it from original plants.

Organic Cotton is one of the most skin friendly, soothing and harmless natural fibers.  While conventional cotton can sometimes be irritating to sensitive skin, organic cotton is the ideal material for babies and children.

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Our organic heirloom dress is a must-hav


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©2018 by Ashleybug. Proudly Handmade in Virginia.

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